Meet the Catskill Symphony Orchestra
The CSO is made possible through the craft, experience, leadership and passion of those that call the Catskill and Leatherstocking regions “home.” We welcome all with an interest in supporting and furthering our mission to entertain, educate and inspire.
Are you interested in volunteering? Would you like to partner with us? Would you like to support the CSO with a sponsorship or donation?
Reach out to our team at or through the links, below.
Meet the Team
Glen Cortese
Artistic Director
House Manager
Cindy Donaldson
Violins 1
Michael Emery, Concertmaster
Mitsuko Suzuki, Assistant Concertmaster
Nathan Lawrence
Ubaldo Valli
Taras Bohach
Herbert Poetzl
Olga Megedyn
Andrew Frech
Violins 2
Debrah Devine*
Raymond Zoeckler
Sharon Wormwood
Yaryna Tsarynska
Shari Rivenburg
Margaret Jevens
Megan Dyer*
TJ McAvaney
Stephani Emery
Beth Moll
Amy Tompkins
Michelle Wilcox
Janet Nepkie*
Ben Wittenberg
Michael Gasparovic
Ruth Berry
Tara Hanish
Double Basses
David Irvin*
Roy Stock
Rich Mollin
Elizabeth Kitson*
Elizabeth Evans
Ana Laura Gonzalez
Cathryn Jones*
Victoria Rickard
Maureen Haehnel
Richard MacDowell*
Tom Slavinsky
Sue Daves*
Judith Marchione
Daniel Hane
French Horns
Victor Sungarian*
Gregory Williams
Martin Burki
Ilze Brink-Button
Ralph Dudgeon*
Benjamin Aldridge
Alan Howell
Paul Blake*
Don Martin
Frank Meredith
Michael Depauw*
Kathryn Lowery*
Jeffrey Grubbs*
Michael Cirmo
Karlinda Caldicott*
Governing Board
Sarah M. Patterson, Chair
Ian Kenyon, Vice Chair
Sean Shannon, Secretary
Wendy Hunt
Constance Martin
Denise Richardson, President, CSO Council
Christopher A. Rollo
Max Tannenbaum
CSO Council
The all-volunteer CSO Council organizes fundraising events, runs the front of the house, sells program ads, and more.
Denise Richardson, President
Bill Goertemoeller, Vice President
Dennis Banks
Barbara Francis
Paul Patterson
Ann L. Slocum
Tracy Verma